Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bill Cangelosi: Hello From Atlanta

Hey everyone. I'm Bill Cangelosi and I am very excited to be hosting Risa Yonezu this winter. I went to Sapporo with the exchange group this summer and fell in love with Japan. I hope that the students and teachers from Japan all have this same experience in Atlanta. I am currently studying Japanese on my own so that I can better communicate with everyone. I have 1 sister, named Lauren. My dad is called Bill. My mom is called Joanna (picture of family to be added later). I am the youngest child in my family. We can't wait for everyone to come. I am already preparing for when ya'll come to Atlanta on January 4 (1月 4日).

I want to thank everyone that helped me and made my experience in Japan amazing. A special thanks to the Yonezu family for their amazing hospitality. I hope that I can be as hospitable. I miss everyone and I cannot wait until everyone comes =). From when I posted this blog there were 95 days until everyone comes! One week is too short but we will all remember it forever.

Bill Cangelosi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill,
    How are you doing? I'm happy to hear that you keep studying Japanese. Thank you for giving me a wonderful information that there are 95 days until we meet again. It's almost three months. Time flies. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
    Nobuyo Chiba
